
Four Marketing Trends You Can Use To Grow Your Business

Four Marketing Trends You Can Use To Grow Your Business June 3, 2024


Are you trying to figure out what marketing trends to follow and how to improve your marketing in 2021? If that’s the case, you’re not alone. In order to improve revenue and interaction, business owners in all sectors want to offer their target audience eye-catching marketing content.

The problem is that marketing trends have shifted significantly in the last decade. In 2011, strategies that are now widely used were considered novelties. Simultaneously, technical advances have arisen that can assist you in connecting with consumers in new and exciting ways.

Today’s aim is to keep you informed about the latest marketing trends. We’d also like to go through a few different approaches to putting these methods into action and seeing exponential development. Let’s get started!

Voice Search

Did you know that 45 million people search for goods, services, and information using voice search every day? You might be shocked if you don’t. We’re here to inform you that voice search is fast becoming the new standard, as shown by the figures.

Fortunately, there are many ways to increase traffic to your website by optimizing it for voice search. We recommend that you first consider your keyword research approach. You’ll want to think about whether your keywords sound like what a person might say rather than type.

Writing your material, contact details, and guides in a conversational tone will help you get more organic traffic from voice search. Instead of typing, conversational material sounds more like what anyone might say.

Customers are more likely to express interest in your goods or services if they can easily locate your website by speaking into their smart speaker. Voice search revenues are expected to grow nearly 2,000 percent between 2017 and 2022, so now is the best time to incorporate this strategy into your marketing arsenal.

SMS and Push Alerts

Email and social media are also two of the most effective ways to reach out to potential and current customers. However, there are two more effective ways to send customized messages to your customers directly.

Yes, we’re talking about push notifications and SMS ads. It’s no surprise that both have risen in popularity, particularly considering the fact that 3.91 billion people own a smartphone!

Subscription-based business models are becoming more common

It’s difficult to find an online company that doesn’t have any kind of subscription service. Users can subscribe to weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly transactions on eCommerce sites like Amazon. Users who sign up for this service save a percentage on each order.

Customers may subscribe to SaaS (software-as-a-service) on a month-to-month or annual basis. The aim is to get people to sign up for a yearly subscription in order to save money in the long run. Consumers are more likely to engage with a business long after making an initial purchase when they sign up for an annual plan.

According to research, after adopting a subscription-based plan, 76 percent of business owners saw an improvement in retention and involvement. It’s understandable that many company owners and marketing departments are focused on getting people to subscribe to their services.

Consider how you can strategically package goods and services in a way that helps your customers if you want to add a subscription option to your online store. If the goals and pain points resonate with them, there’s a fair chance they’ll sign up for a long-term plan.

Marketing Trends You Can't Ignore in 2021

The popularity of live video events is increasing

Increased demand for live video is another development that many of us are seeing, but few are putting into effect. People want more than just to purchase a product, which means they want long-term experiences with companies.

Live events provide you with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to reach your target audience in person. Depending on the purpose of your case, regularly hosting videos on your website and social media will help you expand your lead list and increase sales.

There’s evidence that adding videos to your website will boost engagement significantly. In reality, business owners who used videos in their marketing were 50 times more likely to see an increase in organic traffic.

Your choices are far from limited to those mentioned here, but here are a few of the most common live events:

  • Contest outcomes in real time 
  • Interviews with other prominent figures
  • Product training 
  • Q&A sessions 

Consumers will return to your website and social media feed to see what you’ll share next as a result of all of these various types of content. You can quickly convert casual visitors into loyal customers if you can catch their attention and demonstrate the importance of your product or service.

These patterns are not the future of marketing, but rather the present. If you haven’t started implementing these tactics yet, now is the moment. The technology that underpins these marketing campaigns is constantly improving.

Keep these marketing trends appealing to your target audience, and then begin making small adjustments. You’ll soon have a marketing strategy that increases conversions, traffic, and interaction.

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